Monday, February 22

If we build it, He will come

"Father, You said that out of the mouth of babes and sucklings You have perfected praise.
We admit that our best is pitiful praise, that it cannot match the heavenly vision, that it cannot reach the heights of perfection we understand is in Heaven.

Nevertheless, according to the heavenly pattern, we delight in surrounding You with repentant worship. Rebuild Your beloved tabernacle of David in our hearts, dear Lord.
Yes, we will worship You with all our hearts...
Yes, with joy we will bow down before You as our Lord and King.

We call for Your manifested presence to fill this place, Father.
We ask You to fill this city, to fill this nation, to fill this world until the whole earth is covered with Your glory, O God, like the waters cover the sea.
Come sit in our midst on Your mercy seat!"

Tommy Tenney - God's Favourite House.
for Praisers, 22 Feb 2010.

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