Thursday, November 25

Heart of a Servant

Pasti tau versi Hati Hamba na Sari Simorangkir.. But somehow I think the English version holds... deeper meaning.

Standing in awe of Your grace

Setting my feet in Your ways

Entering into Your presence

To behold You face to face

God of all heaven and earth

Holding me in Your embrace

Unfailing love that surrounds me

Oh God I stand amazed

My Jesus, my Lord

You're the love of my life

Wherever You go, wane be by Your side

No longer I but Christ living me

Serving You for all eternity

My eyes set on You in this race that I run

No longer my ways, let Your will be done

Make me a servant, my heart's ever true

Clinging to the cross I'll follow You

I'll follow You..

Sunday, November 7

Buatlah JalanMu

Buatlah jalanMu dalam saya
Tuhan penjunan, ku tanah liat
Biar Kau kerjakan, s'turut mauMu
Ku duduk diam di kakiMu

Friday, November 5

Psalm 51 (Create in me a clean heart)

Create in me a clean heart, O God
and renew the right spirit within me
Create in me a clean heart, O God
and renew the right spirit within me

Cast me not away from Thy presence, O Lord
and take not Thy Holy Spirit from me
Restore unto me the joy of Thy salvation
And renew the right spirit within me

Monday, October 11

Bapa Kurindu

Bapa kurindu menyenangkanMu
Ajarku lebih dalam tuk mengenalMu
Bapa kupinta, layakkan aku
Bawaku untuk menyembahMu
di balik tirai yang suci

Bertemu muka dengan muka
Tenggelam di dalam kasihMu, Bapa
O Tuhan kurindukan selalu
Diam dalam baitMu

Mataku Tertuju PadaMu

Mataku tertuju padaMu
Segenap hidupku ku serahkan padaMu
Bimbing aku masuk rencanaMu
Tuk membesarkan KerajaanMu

Ku mau mengikuti kehendakMu, ya Bapa
Ku mau s'lalu menyenangkan hatiMu

Tuesday, September 21

Holy Land tour Journal : The Golden Gate

Day 5: The Golden Gate

First Write: Judaean Desert, near King Hussein-Allenby Bridge (Israel-Jordanian Border)

20 September 2010, 9.35am (20 September 2010, 02.35pm WIB).

Continued: Dubai International Airport, UAE

20 September 2010, 11.00pm (21 September 2010, 02.00am WIB)

Gw super tepar kemaren malem jadi baru nulis hari ini.

Yesterday will always be remembered in my life. It is one of the most special of days I've ever experienced.

Before I continue, gw harus billing bah tulisan gw hari ini mungkin bukan buat semua orang untuk baca n percaya, but this journal represents what I believe as a Christian.

First thing in the morning we go to Mount of Olives. Bukit Zaitun has a great view of the Old City Jerusalem; Dome of the Rock keliatan, Golden Gate keliatan, Church of the Holy Sepulcher keliatan.. Semua deh Old City yang via dolorosa na udah gw jalanin juga keliatan. Bukit Zaitun adalah one of the two tallest mounts in Jerusalem, the other is Mount Scopus.

Bukit Zaitun adalah tempat Yesus terangkat ke surga. Dari situ Dia akan datang kembali juga dan menjejakkan kakiNya kembali di atas Bukit Zaitun. Di sini kita berdoa n percaya, nanti setelah pengangkatan, kita juga ikut turun waktu Tuhan dateng yang kedua kali untuk memerintah di Kerajaan 1000 tahun. Abis doa bareng kita foto bareng; 500 orang. Setress setress dah itu fotografer na. Mana banyak yang gajelas lagi malah foto masing2 ato foto grup masing2 haha.. XD Aneh2 aja.

Dari Bukit Zaitun kita jalan sedikit kita ke Taman Gethsemane, tempat Tuhan Yesus berdoa n menangis di saat2 terakhirNya sebelum disamperin sama Yudas Iskariot n dikhianati n ditangkep. Di sini kita berdoa supaya dikasi hati yang baru, yang sungguh mengasihi Tuhan, n diangkat ke level iman yang baru: bukan sekedar anak yang manja, hamba yang mengharapkan imbalan dari setiap pekerjaan kita, budak belian yang harus dipaksakkan rencanaNya dalam hidup kita, tapi hamba yang melayani dengan kasih; yang melakukan semua kehendak Tuhan karena kita begitu mencintaiNya.

Dari Taman Gethsemane kita nyebrang ke Gereja Segala Bangsa. Lagi ada misa di dalemnya karena kemaren hari Minggu kan. Altarnya dibangun di atas batu yang dipercaya sebagai batu tempat Yesus dulu nangis. Suasananya khusuk banget di dalem.

Dari sini, waktu bus2 laen ke Tembok Ratapan, bus gw yang di pimpin Moshe, tour guide gw sang bekas pilot pesawat tempur Angkatan Udara Israel, ngajak kita jalan naik bukit, ke arah seberang Gereja Segala Bangsa. Kita gatau pertamanya mau diajak kemana, tapi lama2 gw mulai nyadar bahwa ini kayaknya ke Golden Gate, tempat Tuhan Yesus bakal dateng untuk kedua kalinya sebagai Raja n masuk kota Yerusalem. So Moshe menepati janjinya!

Moshe looks tense, unlike usual. Dia nyuruh kita stay close sama dia, mungkin supaya ngejagain. Again, Golden Gate ini sebenernya security restricted area. Di bawahnya tersebar kuburan Muslim. Golden Gate disegel sejak jaman Turki, n setiap orang, setiap otoritas yang berusaha membuka Golden Gate ini selalu gagal, dengan cara2 yang supranatural gagalnya. Mungkin nunggu sampe Tuhan Yesus Raja sendiri yang ngebuka. ^^

Moshe walks in complete silence. At one point he asked us to stop, n climbed a staircase, tengok kiri-kanan kayak ngecek keadaan, n turun sambil geleng2… Dia ngajak kita jalan lagi, sampe ke ujung jalannya, n belok, masuk ke kuburan Muslim nya. Here, hati gw mulai berdetak kenceng: apa gw bakal naik, nyentuh Golden Gate? Atau cuma berdiri tepat di depannya, ngeliat gerbang yang bakal nyambut Raja segala raja? Otak gw bilang gw ga senekad itu untuk manjat ke atas n nyentuh, tapi hati gw bilang 'why not? I've come this far, why not go all the way?'.

The huge two-arched stone sealed gate semakin keliatan jelas, n akhirnya gw sampe ke bawahnya. Gw ga sempet mikir, tiba2 ada 3 bapak2 di depan gw mulai manjat, naik ke lereng berbatu2 yang penuh kuburan. Gw langsung ikut naik, naik, dan sampe ke depan gerbangnya persis, yang dipagerin runcing2. Sekali lagi gw di antara 2 pilihan: Manjat pagernya ato cuma dari luar pager?

Cuma sepersekian detik gw ragu; detik berikutnya I found myself putting down my backpack, camera and hat, ready to climb the spiked fence. The others arrived. Moshe yelled, "Awas hati2! Cepat jangan lama2!" I looked down, he shouted those words with himself staring to the opposite direction, as if he didn't want to look at us. Strange, tapi gw ga sempet mikir saat itu.

My dad climbed over without hesitation, but we had to help my mom to climb. It's an ultra-difficult thing for her with her back-pain, but I saw her eyes, there's a fire that drove her to go beyond her limits.

I climbed over hastily, ignoring the spiked fence. Batu yang jadi landasan gerbang ini berdebu n berpasir. As my bare hands touched the stones that sealed the Gate of the coming King, I threw myself on my knees and broke down in tears. In a brief moment I saw some of my group took a picture of them touching the Gate, but me and my family, we just cried, there's nothing else we can say, nothing else we can pray, kecuali "Tuhan, ingat aku dan keluargaku, waktu Engkau datang kembali melewati gerbang ini."

As my trembling body climbed over the fence once more to get out, and hobbled down the rocky hillside, emotions get the better of me; siapa aku ini, sampe aku boleh nyentuh tempat Rajaku datang lagi? Semua karena anugerah Tuhan, semua hanya karena Dia yang melayakkan.

Gw sekeluarga balik cepet-cepet ke bus, n most of the others did to, tap ada sekeluarga yang gatau karena ngelakuin apa ditangkep sama tentara yang dateng, n Moshe with some other guys nemenin mereka ke pos. Setelah mereka balik dengan selamat, kita baru tau bahwa sekitar Golden Gate itu penuh CCTV (this explains why Moshe acted as if he didn't know what we are doing), n while it is legal to go through the Muslim tombs and see the gate, climbing over the fence and touching it is against the law. Jadi tentara2 ini ternyata dateng buat hentiin kita. Puji Tuhan gw udah berhasil sampe ke bus dengan selamat… Anyways, sometimes breaking the law IS fun and worth it.

Abis itu ke Tembok Ratapan, Holocaust Museum, Bethlehem. Doesn't really matter, somehow. Sungguh, gw ga pernah mimpi bakal nyentuh Golden Gate. What I experienced at the Golden Gate was… beyond words. Trully, ujungnya hanya Tuhan.

Kasih setiaMu yang kurasakan

Lebih tinggi dari langit biru

KebaikanMu yang tlah Kau nyatakan

Lebih dalam dari lautan

BerkatMu yang telah kuterima

Selalu membuatku terpesona

Apa yang tak pernah kupikirkan

Itu yang Kau sediakan bagiku

Siapakah aku ini, Tuhan

Jadi biji mataMu

dengan apakah kubalas, Tuhan

selain puji dan sembah Kau

Our God is an awesome God.

Sunday, September 19

Holy Land tour Journal : Day 4

Day 4
Jerusalem, Israel - 18 September 2010, 8.51pm
(19 September 2010, 1.51am WIB)

Hari ini gw sampe hotel sih jam 4 sore, tapi gw ga ada mood buat langsung ngetik journal hari ini tadi pas sampe hotel. hahaa.. I'll tell u the reasons later.

Hari ini adalah Yom Kippur di kalender Yahudi, hari pendamaian umat Israel dengan Tuhan. Hari ini, zaman dulu, Imam Besar masuk ke Ruang Maha Kudus untuk membawa korban pendamaian; kalo Tuhan berkenan, Dia kasi pendamaian n Imam Besar bisa keluar hidup2. Kalo Tuhan ga berkenan, Imam Besar mati di dalem, n ditarik keluar mayatnya pake tali yang diiket ke kaki na sebelom masuk ke dalem. Jadi ga maen2 banget. Jadi hari ini, bagian kita berdoa supaya bisa jadi milik pusaka Tuhan. Dikasi hati yang baru, yang mengasihi Tuhan lebih dari segala sesuatu. Dikasi pikiran yang baru, yang memikirkan pikiran2 Kristus. Dikasi mata, telinga, tangan dan kaki yang baru untuk melakukan pekerjaan yang berkenan pada Tuhan.

Hari ini semua orang Yahudi 'nyepi'. Nyepi nya NIAT banget loh di Jewish Quarter bener2 ga ada kehidupan sama sekali loh serius. Mobil ga jalan, toko ga buka… Isinya jalan kaki semua n bahkan gamau di foto.

Karena nyepi, bus ga boleh jalan, jadi kita perlu jalan dari hotel sampe ke tempat ibadahnya di Old City Jerusalem. UNTUNG YA TINGGAL DI SINGAPORE. XD udah terlatih. Udara nya helpful banget: adem, matahari na bright dengan agak mendung tipis tapi ga ujan. Mantap jadinya.

Along the way, we found several good spots in the Old City, the Knesset, lukisan2 lucu n aneh di dinding, n ada 2 anak kecil Yahudi di jalan. Super duper cute. ^^ The city is beautiful. Really beautiful. The buildings are beautiful. Kota na sepi jadi bisa jalan di tengah jalan.

Abis ibadah, kita ke dalem tembok Old City, Via Dolorossa. Super keren tempt na I don't know.. For me sih. Maybe coz I like old stuff? Or maybe coz I pray Assassin's Creed? XD Tapi bener2 keren banget sih nrut gw. Mulai lah petualangan gw a la Altair Ibn La Ahad. Haha.. Stasi I-IX ada monumen/kapel na massing.. Stasi X-XIV ada di dalem sauté gereja: The Church of The Holy Sepulcher. Aduh gw pengin masuk satu-satu sbenernya… Tapi ini guide na (okay I introduce to you the source of my problem today: THE GUIDE, sang TAUFIK namanya) super ribet deh orang na buru2 banget banged aduh.. udah kayak orang setres mau marah mulu. X(

Via Dolorossa tapi isinya ga ada derita2nya sama sekali: kanan-kirinya toko jual barang buagus buagus hahaha.. Jadi ga menderita. I'll tell u the meaning of menderita afterwards.

Lunch di Gloria Restaurant (yes, namanya Gloria). Terus grup dipisah; yang mau balk ke hotel boleh, yang mau terus jug boleh. Terus tinggal Bukit Sion, tapi tempat na yang diomongin gajelas2 gait (apa karena guide na bodoh aja kali ya jadi bikini peserta tour ga tertarik), jade kit mutusin pulang, with like most of the other people as well. Pulang masi teteeeep jalan kaki… Nah pulang na ini yang sengsara.

Inilah via dolorossa yang sebenernya sih nurut gw. X( Jalan dari Old City ke hotel tu harusnya cuma 1 jam lah… Tapi karena sang GUIDE gw NYASAR (COBA MASA ADA TOUR GUIDE PROFESSIONAL BISA NYASAR!) kita jadi muter2 Jerusalem Barat yang sepi karena Yom Kippur, dan baru sampe ke hotel setelah 2 setengah jam! Jadi 1,5 jam dibuang percuma gajelas karena sang guide KESASAR. Seru ya sang GUIDE gw ini. Harusnya di sue.

Anyways, akhirnya sampe ke hotel. Udalah. Gw mau bersyukur aja, karena udah diperdamaikan sama Tuhan lewat Imam Besar Agung kita, Yesus Kristus. Apa pun yang terjadi setelah itu, doesn't matter. :)

Semerbak narwastu penyembahanku
Di hadapan Sang Raja yang duduk di takhta
Membumbung naik korban hidupku
Suatu korban yang hidup dan berkenan

DibawaNya aku di kebunNya
aku jadi kekasih Raja
DicurahkanNya isi hatiNya
aku jadi sahabat Raja

Mengebul naik dupa doaku
ke hadirat Yesus Rajaku
DibawaNya aku mengiring joliNya
aku memerintah bersamaNya

KerajaanMu datang, kehendakMu jadi
Tak ada penundaan, segera dan amin


Saturday, September 18

Holy Land tour Journal : Day 3

Day 3
Jerusalem, Israel - 17 September 2010, 5:13pm
(17 September 2010, 10.13pm WIB).

So no, it's not the same time as yesterday. Haha..
Hari ini lebih santai dan lebih bisa istirahat dari kemaren, mungkin karena besok acara padet di Yerusalem NAEK KAKI. Okay let's start today's journal.

First thing in the morning we go to CANA in Galilee. Kana ini, as we all know, adalah tempat yang dulu Tuhan Yesus buat mukjizat pertamaNya: Air jadi anggur.
Di tempat ini kita minta hidup kita jadi seperti anggur baru yang tercurah di wadah yang baru. Kita minta Roh Pengertian n Kerendahan Hati, karena dengan Pengertian bahwa Yesus pasti akan melakukannya, Bunda Maria minta ke Yesus lakukan sesuatu waktu anggur habis. Dengan kerendahan hati dan percaya, para pelayan ciduk air pembasuhan kaki n kasi ke kepala pesta. Jangan sampe kita kayak pemimpin pesta yang gatau apa2, padahal dia adalah orang paling berkuasa di pesta itu. Jadi kita minta Roh Pengertian n Kerendahan Hati. =) Di Cana juga minta anggur baru, jadi punya kemanisan dan gelora cinta yang baru buat Tuhan.

Lanjut, Laut Mati.. Nah ini tempat gajelas nurut gw. Cuma kayak ancol plus mineral nya yang imba. haha. RUWET, PANASH (sekali lagi PANASH. INI PANAAAASS banget), n asin. Assiinn banget. Ngapain juga ya kesini? Haha.. Mungkin gw di Laut Mati yang bagian umum kali ya bukan yang si Michael Jackson suka dateng dulu. Jadi ga luxurious.

Laut Mati to Jericho, the oldest city in the world. Ternyata Jericho ini di dalem otoritas Palestina. Jadi Arab semua ini. Di sini tempat dulu tembok Jericho dirobohin sama Joshua. Di sini kita mau tanggalkan semua kelemahan, semua hambatan, semua ikatan, semua tembok yg menghalangi hubungan kita sama Tuhan. Biar sama kayak tembok Jericho dirobohin sama Tuhan buat Joshua karena ketaatan n sorak pujian orang2 Israel, hari ini semua dosa dan ikatan yang ga benar dipatahkan dan dirobohkan dengan ketaatan kita, jadi lebih dari pemenang!

Di Jericho makan siang, terus mau beli shofar (sangkakala) tapi.. Gabisa tiup na. Hahaha.. I think I'd have to find one that I can blow before I buy. Mahal loh ternyata… Akhirnya beli liontin Jerusalem Cross super keren.

Jericho to Jerusalem… Ngelewatin padang gurun Judea, tempat suku Bedouin. Keren banget di sebelah kiri gitu tiba2 ngeliat ada sekumpulan kambing domba lagi digembalain. =)

Approaching Jerusalem… Somehow this Holy City gives me a shiver. I can't really say anything about this city yet other than that. I think we'd have to see it ourselves tomorrow. Hari ini belom ngapa2in, kumpulin energy buat besok jalan seharian di Old City. I believe He will give me strength, even when my left ankle is sprained like this. =) I know I will be strong in Him.

Ooo.. Jerusalem, Kota Mulia
Hatiku rindu ke sana
Ooo… Jerusalem, Kota Mulia
Hatiku rindu ke sana

Tak lama lagi Tuhanku datanglah
Bawa aku masuk sana
Tak lama lagi Tuhanku datanglah
Bawa aku masuk sana

Friday, September 17

Holy Land tour Journal : Day 2

Day 2

Tiberias, Israel - 16 September 2010, 9.07pm

(17 September 2010, 2.07am WIB)

I can't believe I'm typing this at the same time as yesterday. XD

Hari ini a lot better… Mungkin karena akhirnya setelah 1 hari 1 malam gw bisa nyentuh ranjang dan tidur, jadi kondisi badan bener2 baik.

Acara pertama adalah ke Yardenit, a.k.a Sungai Yordan. BAPTIS!

Dapet jubah putih tipis n handuk… N kita dibaptis di Sungai Yordan. Hari ini hidup gw kembali diperbaharui, segala yang lama sudah berlalu, yang baru sudah datang. Hari ini gw kebaskan semua dosa, semua sakit penyakit, semua keterikatan yang bukan dengan Tuhan, semua kuasa2 jahat, semua kutuk. Gw jadi baru, jadi milik pusaka Tuhan. Ini keren banget. =)

Then to Kibbutz, komunitas yang gurus teknologi agraris di Israel. Amazing view, amazing farms. Then to Danau Galilea, berlayar pake perahu (again, amazing amazing view), mengambil tangkapan yang besar dengan iman kayak dulu Petrus disuru sama Yesus.

Lunch, ikan Petrus. Ikan aer tawar goreng sih sebenerya, digoreng gitu doank.

Terus ke Gereja Sabda Bahagia, tempt Tuhan Yesus dull khotbah yang ucapan bahagia di Bukit itu. =) At this place, one thing I realized is that this is the place where He spoke Matt 5:6.. 'Berbahagialah mereka yang lapar dan has akan kebenaran, karena mereka akan dipuaskan". It's the foundation of my relationship with her. =) The worship service was magnificent and really a blessing.

Hari ini ga secapek kemaren, thank God. I'm typing this and I can go to sleep in peace. YEAH!

Well, after all what happened this day, I've got one awesome song that struck me in my soul… Simple song, yet really heartfelt.

Bersama keluargaku melayani Tuhan

Bersatu selamanya mengasihi Engkau

Tiada yang dapat melebihi kasihMu, ya Tuhan

Bagi kami Engkau segalanya

... one thing I realize... wifi na di lobby hotel ini cepet banget ya hahaha

Holy Land tour Journal : Day 1

Day 1

Tiberias, Israel - 15 September 2010, 9.08pm

(16 September 2010, 2.08am WIB).

AKHIRNYA… Perjalanan ke Israel tu bukan 7 jam plus 2 jam, tapi 24 jam! Hahaha..

I took an Emirates flight from Jakarta to Dubai; enjoyed the flight, but not the sleep. Gw sadar bahwa ternyata gw masih perlu bantal buat tidur. Sebelom dipasang bantal di kepala belom bisa tidur. XD

Dubai International Airport was cool.. Maybe it's because I learned about their logo design concept so it was exciting to see the actual logo on the actual place. The shuttle bus from the airplane to the terminal building was cool as well; wide futuristic body with … no it's still with wheels, just can't really see them. Cool.

The flight to Jordan was okay as well. 2 jam ga gitu kerasa karena dipake nonton Sleeping Beauty. ^^ Approaching Jordan, all I saw was desert. Jadi intinya Jordania itu cuma a patch of town in the middle of the huge desert. That's it. PASIIIIRRRRR semua. Arrived at Jordan, and this is where all the tiring stuffs began.

Visa on Arrival kan, jadi ngantrinya tu udah kayak APA aja gitu. LUAMA banget uda gitu orang na juga super nyolot gitu… Lucu sih ngeliat mereka ngomong bahasa Arab satu sama lain, n liat uang na juga lucu, liat Arab Jordan Investment Bank juga lucu (coba kalo disingkat jadi apa namanya… Gila bahkan uda jauh2 sampe Middle East juga gw masi ketemu hal2 aneh gini), but that's about it. Bandara Queen Alia kecil n jelek kayak Gambir. Nunggu bus buat angkut ke perbatasan Amman-Israel juga super lama, n super ribet ngatur koper2na (clearly this travel agent hasn't got the experience on managing these around 700 people).

Once at the perbatasan… Hahaha all the (fun) begins. Nunggu inside the bus like nothing happened for about an hour, then supir bus na diganti orang customs/imigrations, trus bus dibawa ke perbatasan King Hussein Bridge, di kiri-kanan diapit padang pasir and padang pasir and padang pasir… Sampe di perbatasan, nyebrang jembatan, masuk ke Allenby Bridge. Again, nunggu like nothing happened inside the bus for more than an hour and a half, masuk ke dalem, koper2 dibuangin turun. Trus musti dimasukin alat ngecek gitu n ditinggal, sementara kitanya jalan masuk ke imigrasi. Nah nunggu imigrasinya itu yang kayak APA gitu lamanya. Lebih kayak APA lagi daripada yang visa Jordan. APA banget deh.. Once through, ternyata udah ada di deket Qumran n Dead Sea.

Lunch di Qumran… Lunch nya agak gajelas to be honest, but I'm too hungry to complain. Really too hungry. Jadi makan aja gajelas apaan juga. After makan, shopping for a bit… Getting back my senses for a bit, dan… harus jalan lagi. Hahaha.. Perjalanan di bus gajelas berapa lama, I feel it's around about 3 to 4 hours ke Tiberias.

Yang seru adalah, dari Qumran ke Tiberias ternyata perlu melewati TEPI BARAT. Tau Tepi Barat? Yap yang tempat perang itu… Dan bus harus sekali lagi melewati security check point… A guy with an assault rifle climbed in to the bus, dan nunjuk gw with 2 other guys to go down, randomly picking gitu, buat diperiksa luggage na. Jadi turunlah kami bertiga, bingung2 gajelas masi ngantuk2 gitu, masuk ke pos keamanan nya, dibentak2 disuru buka koper n ditanya isinya apa, ngelewatin metal detector. Finished, balik ke bus, n ngelanjutin perjalanan ke Tiberias.

DAAN.. setelah 1 hari 1 malam yang seru, sampailah sudah di Tanah Perjanjian, Israel… Tiberias seems like a beautiful city, even when she's sleeping late at night like this. I don't know, we'll see tomorrow.

Anyways, dari perjalanan penuh kegajelasan dan super capek ini, ada 1 lagu yg ada di hati gw…

Menyebrang Sungai Yordan, Halleluyaa…

Menuju ke Kanaan, Halleluyaa…

Meski banyak rintangan, Halleluyaa…

Menyebrang sampai menang, Halleluyaa…


Monday, August 30

Because He Lives

I watched Pastor Ade Manuhutu sang this song in Youtube and it just stroke me right in my heart.
The original song was by the Gaither Family, a true grand and great song. But above all, our Lord is grand and great indeed... And life is worth a living just because He lives!

God sent His Son, they called Him Jesus
He came to love, heal and forgive
He gave His life to buy my pardon
An empty grave is there to proof, my Saviour lives!

Because He lives, I can face tomorrow
Because He lives, all fears are gone
Because I know He holds my future
And life is worth a living just because He lives!

Anak Allah, Yesus namaNya
Menyembuhkan, memulihkan
Bahkan mati tebus dosaku
Kubur kosong membukitkan Dia hidup!

S'bab Dia hidup, ada hari esok
S'bab Dia hidup, ku tak gentar
Dan aku tahu Dia pegang hari esok
Hidup jadi berarti s'bab Dia hidup!

Sunday, August 29

Jesus is the Answer

I was so amazed with this song when yesterday Tammy asked us to sing this song during SWAT retreat. Trully, Jesus is the answer by Andrae Crouch.

Jesus is the answer
for the world today
Above Him there's no other
Jesus is the way

If you have some questions in the corners of your mind
And traces of discouragement, peace you cannot find
Reflections of the old past seem to face you everyday
but this one thing I know for sure: Jesus is the way!

Jesus is the answer
for the world today
Above Him there's no other
Jesus is the way

I know you've got mountains that you think you cannot climb
I know your skies are so dark, you think the sun won't shine
In case you don't know, The Word of God is true!
Everything He's promised, He will do it for you!

Jesus is the answer
for the world today
Above Him there's no other
Jesus is the way

Indonesian version:

Jesus is the answer
for the world today
Above Him there's no other
Jesus is the way

Banyak persoalan membebani hidupmu
Kau telusuri jalanmu tanpa kedamaian
Bayangan masa lalu sangat mengganggu dirimu
Datanglah pada Yesus, Dialah jawaban

Jesus is the answer
for the world today
Above Him there's no other
Jesus is the way

Bila Kau berjalan di dalam kegelapan
Bukit terjal, batu tajam menghadang di depan
Pandanglah pada Yesus, penolong yang setia
Apa yang Dia janjikan, takkan dilupakan!

Tuesday, August 17

Valuable Zeroes

When God called me, I was just a ZERO (0), and I respond it. I came to Jesus and I stood next to Him. At that moment I made a discovery of my life, because I discovered that Jesus is the Number One (1), and when I--as the zero (0) stood next to Him, we are already 10.

And the other zero here (you), come and stand next to me, and we are already one hundred (100). Any more zeroes? 1000, 10.000, 100.000, 1.000.000, 10.000.000... And then I realized... Jesus puts value into every zero!

I don't mind to be the last zero, because the last zero is the most valuable... 100.000.000 is more than a hundred (100). As long as the ONE (1) is in front, JESUS, we are all highly valuable! But take the ONE (1) away, and we are all but zeroes again.

This is how God calls, how HE chooses. It's a secret that needs to be understood, doesn't matter who you are, what you are... Jesus makes you valuable, highly valuable. HE calls you, He equips you, He sends you, and He will be with you all the way, right to the end of time and to the end of the earth.

--- Rev. Reinhard Bonnke.

Mentari Bersinar

Need any proof of this statement?
Here is a song composed and created by our very own President, Mr. Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono.

Laut biru membentang luas

Dibatas suburnya daratan

Menggenggam harapan untuk masa depan

Tanahku yang indah permai

Di ujung Timur mentari bersinar

Seberkas harapan tanah Tuhan

Jangan biarkan dan siakan

Manisnya kehidupan di hadapan


Ayo… Kawan langkahkan kaki

Tegar dan yakin diri

Janji Tuhan kita wujudkan

Impian jadi kenyataan

"Bangsa yang berjalan di dalam kegelapan telah melihat terang yang besar; mereka yang diam di negeri kekelaman, atasnya terang telah bersinar." - Yesaya 9:1

Ayo semangat semangat semangat doa buat Indonesia! Love your country! Love your nation!
Angkat tinggi panjiNya hingga lawatan tiba! Takhta Mulia Sang Raja atas Indonesia! =)

Monday, August 9

This is Home Truly

I know this song is a Singaporean song, but really the streets, families, friends, and love I find in Jakarta came to my mind so vividly when I heard this song.

This is home truly
Where I know I must be
Where my dreams wait for me
Where that river always flows

This is home surely
as my senses tell me
This is where I wont be alone
For this is where I know it's home

I miss u guys. I miss u Jakarta.

Sunday, August 1

His Tender Smile

Jesus went to the Mount of Olives. At dawn He came back to the temple, and all the people came to Him.

Just as He sat down to teach, the scribes and Pharisees led in a woman who had been caught committing adultery.

They made her stand in the middle of everyone.

"Teacher," they said to Him, "This woman has been caught in the very act of committing adultery. In the Law, Moses commanded to stone this kind of woman. What do You say?"...

But Jesus knelt and wrote down something on the ground.

As they continued questioning Him,

He straightened up and said to them,"The one among you who is without sin, let him throw the first stone at her."

Again, He knelt and wrote down something on the ground.

Those who heard left one at a time, beginning with the older ones first, leaving Jesus alone with the woman.

She was standing alone, shivering, in front of the man who was just getting to His feet.

"Where did everyone go?" He asked, smiling.

"Didn't anyone condemn you?"

"No," she whispered, looking down. "No one, Sir."

He took her chin in one of His hands.

"I don't condemn you either," He said with a tender smile.

Then He became serious.

He spoke as a parent disciplining a child.

"Now go, and stop sinning."

She began to weep, not from shame as before, but from relief.

He had saved her life. He had returned to her what the others... had stolen.

She was sorry, painfully sorry.

At last she had found Someone

who could bear her sorrow for her.

---- The Parable of Joy, Michael Card.

He did not condemn her, because He would be condemned for her.

When we come face to face with this perfect love, it takes our breath away. We deserve to die for what we have done. We should be stoned by an angry mob. Yet not only does Jesus save our life with His own blood, He washes us completely clean. When He looks at us, He doesn't see our failures and mistakes; He sees a new creating--a child of God.

If we allow Him full and complete access to our lives, He gives us the power to repent, walk a different direction, and be made new. When we repent and accept His forgiveness, He can take the sin our enemy meant to use to destroy us and instead use it for His glory. He can take a shattered heart and life and script a beautiful tale of His perfect love.

Leave the Irreparable Past in His hands, and step out into the Irresistible Future with Him.
Come to the Father, broken hearts, broken hearts, He will take them all.
Everything was done so we would come.

Thursday, July 29

Up To Something Good

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." - Jeremiah 29:11

For You know better than I do, You know the way, Your way, I let go the need to know why. I'm just gonna believe.

Up To Something Good

I'm gonna believe that You are up to something good
I'm gonna believe that You are up to something good
When I can't understand the things that happen in my life
I'm gonna believe that You are up to something good

I'll never fail or forsake you, that is what You said
Through fire and water I will take you, that is what You said
So when You don't answer my prayers the way I think You should
I'm gonna believe that You are up to something good.


Ku mau percaya ada rencana yang indah
Ku mau percaya ada rencana yang indah
Saat ku tak tahu apa yang terjadi dalam hidupku
Ku mau percaya ada rencana yang indah

Kau takkan meninggalkanku, itu janjiMu
Lewati s'gala rintangan, Kau mengangkatku
Saat Kau tak jawab doaku seperti yang kumau
Ku mau percaya ada rencana yang indah

Monday, July 26

You are my Father

Even when we fall to the darkest path, His love endures forever.
Lord, I've failed and disappoint You countless times, and yet You're still beside me, Your love for me hasn't changed.
Teach me to have a forgiving heart, a heart like You, my King, my Father.

It doesn't matter where I run, You're there for me.
It doesn't matter what I've done, Your love's for me.
You wipe away the tears, You lift me when I fall
My live is saved by the mercy of Your grace

It doesn't matter where I go, You walk with me
It doesn't matter where I fall, You cover me
You wipe the tears, You lift me when I fall
My live is saved by the mercy of Your grace

You are my Father, Provider, You're my Deliverer!
Your mercy embraces me, surrounds me through Your everlasting love
Father, I worship You
Father, I worship You

And Your love is for me
And Your love is for me
And Your love is forever

Thank You, Father.

Thursday, July 22

Di Hati Sang Raja

A line of wisdom and faith from my mother... And here it goes, my first worship song.
Written on a plane, by Jesus, for the King.

Di Hati Sang Raja

Ku bersyukur padaMu, Tuhan
atas setiap rencana yang indah
Kau mempesonaku, takkan berubah
Aku percaya Kau mengasihiku

Walau lewati banyak cobaan
Tuhan Yesusku tak meninggalkan
Ajarku setia tunggu janjiMu
Aku percaya Kau mengasihiku

Lebih berharga dari permata
Lebih indah dari tarian
Pujian termanis bagi Sang Raja
Hatiku yang taat dan setia

Ku mau berkenan
di hati Sang Raja

*Listen to 'Di Hati Sang Raja' for the first time, live on Be Lifted Higher: Celebration Mass, 30 July 2010.*

Friday, May 14

Giving Him the pen to write your Love life.

The fact that I kept getting my heart broken again and again finally made me wonder if I was doing something wrong. Still wallowing in depression and confusion, I cried out to God.

"What am I doing wrong?" I asked earnestly. "I've followed the Christian dating rules. I'm not having sex before marriage, and I'm dating Christians. Why am I so miserable and insecure? Why does every relationship end this way?"

I felt Him gently whisper these words to my soul:

You continue to get your heart broken because you are holding the pen of your life and trying to write your own story.

I am the Author of true love.
I am the Creator of romance.
I know your heart's every desire.

I want to script a beautiful tale just for you, but first you must give the pen to Me.
You must let Me become the center of your existence.
You must let Me have total control of your love life, and every other area of your life as well.

Leslie Ludy - When God Writes Your Love Story.

Thursday, April 22

What is Hope?

You can exist for several weeks without food, you can exist for several days without water, you can exist for several seconds without air... But you cannot live without hope.

You need hope to cope. Hope keeps your soul alive.

Now, most people don't understand hope.
Hope is not some wishful thinking about the future, some pie in the sky on the by and by.
You need hope now. You need hope today. You need hope in the morning.
You need hope not because you're gonna die tonight, you need hope because you need to wake up tomorrow and live.

Hope is NOT optimism.
Optimism is psychological. Hope is theological.
Optimism is personal trust in yourself. Hope is personal trust in God.
Optimism is what you think you can do. Hope is what you think God can do.
Optimism is often a denial of reality. It's positive thinking, not permanent trust.
Optimism sometimes just denies the reality that, yeah, life really is bad in your life in this particular moment.

Hope never does that.
Hope is always reality.
Hope says, "Yep, it's bad. It's really really bad. I've never seen anything worse than this. But I BELIEVE, God can bring us through this. I believe God is IN CONTROL."

1 Pet 1:21
"Because God raised Jesus from the dead, your FAITH and HOPE can be placed confidently in God"

The reason why people are hopeless today is because they're putting their hope in all the wrong things, and they're looking for hope in all the wrong places.
If you put your hope on success, or status, or your salary, or sex,
or position, possession, privilege, power, or popularity,
every one of those things are gonna disappoint you.

You got to put your hope on something that cannot be changed...
And that's God's love for you.
That's never gonna stop
That's never gonna change.

Sunday, April 18

WNP Radio Top 40 Song Chart - 3rd Week of April 2010

Update of WNP Radio's Top 40 Chart... This is the one for the 3rd Week of April 2010.

1. Magic - Secret
Album: Secret Time
Released: April 2010
Last Week's Post: DEBUT!

A newcomer and debuted on the 1st spot @ this week's Top 40! =) I have to admit that the tune is extremely catchy, and yes... they can't spell it properly (mezikmezikmezik XD), but, nonetheless, they deserve the top spot. Let's see if they can keep it next week. =)

2. Bang! - After School
Album: The 3rd Mini Album
Released: March 2010
Last Week's post: 3rd

Destined for success. Really. Their voice quality is (ehem) better than my favourite SNSD, and I have to admit drum-band concept is really clever. The song itself is really firing your spirit, almost putting springs on your steps if you listen to the song when you're walking. So, yes.. T.R.Y DO IT NOW! CAN U FOLLOW ME... Yes AHA! =) Ah, and for you who don't know, Lee Joo Yeon is REALLY cute.

3. Bubble Love - MC Mong feat. Seo In Young
Album: Cho Young Soo All Star
Released: March 2010
Last Week's Post: 4th

Cannot get over this song. Literally cannot. Call me biased or anything, but really Seo In Young's voice is just crazy~clean, crisp, super smooth... MC Mong's raps are just awesome, like always. Deserved spot.

4. Super Girl - Super Junior M
Album: Super Girl
Released: September 2009
Last Week's Spot: 1st.

Last week's top spot. Still nice to listen to, a real dance beat song that tempt you move your hips or shoulders every time it's on, but surely won't last long as a leader. After all, it's quite an old song already. =)

5. Reset - Super Junior
Album: Sorry Sorry - The 3rd Album
Released: September 2009
Last Week's Spot: 9th

Requested like crazy the entire week, particularly by one girl in Jakarta. Haha I don't know why people like to press the reset press press the reset... But it really is a nice song.. Easy listening. =)

6. Wavin' Flag (Celebration Mix) - K'Naan
Album: Troubadour
Released: August 2009
Last Week's Spot: 2nd

7. Kara - Lupin
Album: Lupin - The 3rd Mini Album
Released: February 2010
Last Week's Spot: 6th

8. Telephone - Lady Gaga feat. Beyonce
Album: The Fame Monster
Released: February 2010
Last Week's Spot: 5th

9. Bohong - Project Pop
Album: You Got
Released: September 2009
Last Week's Spot: 20th

10. GoodBye Days - YUI
Album: Can't Buy My Love
Released: June 2006
Last Week's Spot: Come Back.

11. Run Devil Run - Girls' Generation
12. I Go Crazy Because of You - T-ARA
13. Jadi Gila - Ran
14. Alice - Avril Lavigne
15. Chitty Chitty Bang Bang - Lee Hyo Ri
16. Bad Romance - Lady Gaga
17. Hip Song - Rain
18. Oh! - Girls' Generation
19. Nemachi no Tsuki - Depapepe

20. Haven't Met You Yet - Michael Buble

21. Buka Semangat Baru - Ello and friends
22. Sarang in Gul Yo - Kim Tae Yeon and Lee Sun Kyu
23. Confession of a Friend - 2Am
24. Sempurna - Andra and the Backbones
25. Try to Follow Me - 2NE1
26. I Gotta Feeling - Black Eyed Peas
27. Calling - Flow
28. Tik Tok - Ke$ha
29. Haru Haru - Big Bang

30. Ti Amo - Exile

31. NaengMyun - MyungSica Tribe
32. When You Say Nothing at All - Ronan Keating
33. Sign - Brown Eyed Girls
34. You and I - Park Bom
35. U Go Girl - Lee Hyo Ri
36. Ring Ding Dong - Shinee
37. Fire - 2NE1
38. Sowoneul Malhaebwa (Genie) - Girls' Generation
39. Nobody - Wonder Girls
40. Sorry Sorry - Super Junior

Tune it to WNP Radio Top 40 Countdown every Friday 4.30 pm! =)

Sunday, April 11

WNP Radio Top 40 Song Chart - 2nd Week of April 2010

Yoo.. I'm doing a personal internet radio broadcast for WNP Radio recently.. And here goes the first weekly chart. ^^

This is the first Top 40 Chart of WNP Radio Singapore - the 2nd Week of April 2010.

1. Super Girl - Super Junior M
Album: Super Girl
Released: September 2009
Author: Yoo Young Jin

I know this is an already old song.. But somehow it's quite popular last night on my Friday Kpop Nite Show... So... Inevitably. =)

2. Wavin' Flag (Celebration Mix) - K'Naan
Album: Troubadour
Released: August 2009
Author: K'Naan

The official anthem of FIFA World Cup South Africa this summer. Always a favourite among the listeners... Mainly because of the happy African-sounding drums and the Coca Cola 'Oooo~~' as the backgrounds.

3. Bang! - After School
Album: The 3rd Mini Album
Released: March 2010

My housemate was like forcing me to watch this new Korean girl band while I was really so into SNSD and slightly dissing the others. But I have to admit that this one's really great and deserves to be number 3. =)

4. Bubble Love - MC Mong feat. SI Y
Album: All Star
Released: March 2010
Author: Cho Young Soo

I Looovveee this song!!! Seo In Young's voice is really really awesome in this place.. Clean and clear, really... And the tune's catchy and Mong's raps are just awesome.

5. Telephone - Lady Gaga feat. Beyonce
Album: The Fame Monster
Released: February 2010
Author: Rodney Jerkins

Really really famous song by a current really really famous singer Lady Gaga... Okay I have to admit that the chorus are damn catchy, seriously.. And the MV.. Well.. It's definitely for someone's ...bigger. Haha

6. Kara - Lupin
Album: Lupin - The 3rd Mini Album
Released: February 2010

7. I Go Crazy Because of You - T•ARA
Album: Breaking Heart
Released: March 2010

8. Hip Song - Rain
Album: Back to the Basic
Released: April 2010

9. Reset - Super Junior
Album: Sorry Sorry - The 3rd Album
Released: March 2009

10. Run Devil Run - Girls' Generation
Album: Oh! The 2nd Album Repackaged
Released: March 2010

11. 7989 - Kim Tae Yeon and Kang Ta
12. Rude Boy - Rihanna
13. Sarang In Gul Yo - Kim Tae Yeon and Lee Sun Kyu
14. Confession of a Friend - 2AM
15. Try to Follow Me - 2NE1
16. I Gotta Feeling - Black Eyed Peas
17. U Go Girl - Lee Hyo Ri
18. Beautiful Girl (SNSD Tribute Song) - Yoo Young Jin
19. Oh! - Girls' Generation

20. Bohong - Project Pop

21. Tik Tok - Ke$ha
22. Party in the USA - Miley Cyrus
23. Haru Haru - Big Bang
24. Sign - Brown Eyed Girls
25. Sorry-Sorry - Super Junior
26. NaengMyun - MyungSica Tribe
27. Open Happiness (Japanese Version) - Monkey Majik
28. I Wanna Go Crazy - David Guetta feat. Will.I.Am
29. Fire - 2NE1

30. Ring Ding Dong - Shinee

31. Buka Semangat Baru - Ello, Ipang, Barry St. Loco, Lala
32. You and Me - Olivia Ong
33. Honey Bunny Sweetie - G String
34. Bad Romance - Lady Gaga
35. Haven't Met You Yet - Michael Buble
36. Nobody - Wonder Girls
37. Ha Ha Ha - Girls' Generation
38. Never Let You Go - Justin Bieber
39. The Prayer - Andrea Bocelli and Katherine McPhee
40. Gee - Girls' Generation

That's it for this week guys! I'll see you next week with April's 3rd Week Chart. =)